In 2020, universities in St. Lawrence County, NY awarded 3,689 degrees. The student population of St. Lawrence County, NY is skewed towards women, with 6,122 male students and 6,441 female students.
The largest universities in St. Lawrence County, NY by number of degrees awarded are Clarkson University (1,233 and 33.4%), SUNY College of Technology at Canton (864 and 23.4%), SUNY College at Potsdam (859 and 23.3%) and St. Lawrence University (733 and 19.9%).
The economy of St. Lawrence County, NY employs 44.4k people. The largest industries in St. Lawrence County, NY are Educational Services (8,011 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (7,359 people), and Retail Trade (5,370 people), and the highest paying industries are Utilities ($82,363), Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($61,875), and Public Administration ($61,806).
Housing & Living
The median property value in St. Lawrence County, NY was $97,000 in 2020, which is 0.422 times smaller than the national average of $229,800.
In 2020, the median household income of the 41.9k households in St. Lawrence County, NY grew to $52,071 from the previous year's value of $50,940.
Ready to Grow your Business?
Top Talent, Global Access, Green Energy, Unparalleled R&D Capabilities. Find your competitive edge in St. Lawrence County.