Workforce Development and Training - St. Lawrence County IDA Skip to main content

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Workforce Development and Training

Workforce Training

The St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency (“SLCIDA”) brings together a variety of programs, partners and resources to help you with your workforce needs. With so many diverse education and training programs, St. Lawrence County is unmatched in providing the skilled, capable and adaptable workforce businesses need now and for future growth.

A worker training to weld

Training session in progress

St. Lawrence County One-Stop Career Center

The St. Lawrence County One-Stop Career Center offers assistance with the recruitment of new employees, on-the-job training, incumbent worker training and customized training programs.

  • Posts JOB LISTINGS to allow employers to define the skills, education, or experience required to apply for each position and continue to post them as locally or globally as you want.
  • Organizes JOB FAIRS to help local employers recruit top talent.
  • Works closely with a variety of JOB SEEKERS, including dislocated workers, workers looking to switch careers, first time or entry level job seekers and individuals graduating from college or vocational training programs.
  • SCREENS and MATCHES APPLICANTS to meet your company’s specific needs, as well as identify candidates who may qualify for special job training programs that can save your business money.

On-the-Job training reimbursement programs help assist employers with the hiring, training, and development of new employees. Additionally, there is assistance available reducing the costs associated with introducing new technologies, new production or service procedures, additional work skills or improved workplace literacy for employees who are being trained for new, higher paying positions within a company.


Improve the productivity and skill level of your present workforce with training design and funding assistance through the The SLC One-Stop Career Center. Training provided in house or by outside contracted training agencies may be eligible for 50% funding, with matching funds from your company.

To learn more, visit:


St. Lawrence County’s labor force consists of approximately 43,000 workers. Employers throughout St. Lawrence County have found the local labor force to be exceptional; their employees are productive, eager to learn and have low absenteeism.

St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES
Career and Technical Education Programs

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) program provides occupational training to over 1,100 secondary students and adults at the three Career and Technical Education Centers. There are currently 18 CTE programs available at the three centers. The administration and staff of the CTE programs, utilizing input from component schools, industry, and the public, strive to provide relevant career and college preparation to secondary students and adult residents of SLL BOCES region. In addition, many articulation agreements and dual enrollment agreements between colleges, in and out of state, and the St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES are in effect to grant academic credit to CTE Center graduates. To learn more about BOCES Career and Technical Education Programs available, see: Programs – Career & Technical Education – St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES (, and check out this video to learn more from our students about the Career & Technical School experience.

St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES
Adult Education and Workforce Development

The St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Adult Education and Workforce Development program offers multiple entry points tailored to various stages of your career journey. Whether you’re starting with GED instruction to advance academically or pursuing specialized occupational training to enhance your professional skills, we cater to your specific goals and aspirations. Our flexible approach ensures you receive the support and resources you need to succeed, empowering you to thrive in today’s competitive job market. Join us and discover the right path forward toward achieving your career objectives. Call 1-888-360-7693 or visit our Website at
See video here to watch a recording of St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Adult Education staff explain the variety of services available.

Are YOU Workforce Ready?

Employers can post employment openings and job seekers can view current opportunities with local businesses HERE.

SUNY Canton’s Center for Workforce, Community and Industry Partnerships

The Center for Workforce, Community & Industry Partnerships develops innovative programming for SUNY Canton, the North Country, and beyond. The Center assists with the promotion and development of new micro courses, microcredentials, and workforce training programs based on campus, industry, and community needs. Other educational opportunities such as summer camps, early college, and lifelong learning for all ages are also developed by the Center. See their variety of programs available here: WCIP – SUNY Canton

Entrepreneurial Leadership Training

St. Lawrence County Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (STL-CEL): a program partnership with the University at Buffalo School of Management Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and SUNY Canton. The Core Program was established to enhance the talents and operating abilities of practicing entrepreneurs. This peer-based, mentor-driven program empowers its participants to overcome business challenges, create new opportunities and develop meaningful connections within the business community. Core participants explore new methods for business growth in a confidential, noncompetitive environment with assistance from fellow classmates, exceptional facilitators and external business experts. Visit SUNY Canton to learn more about this proven program.

University Education & Training

With 5 higher education institutions in our county, you’ll have access to highly skilled graduates to fill the technology positions for which recruitment and retention is becoming so competitive. In addition to liberal arts and vocational courses, local colleges offer computer science, technology and engineering degree programs. Each College and University works with local employers to develop customized programs that will provide the skills needed for certification, promotion, and technical literacy. See more information about the local Colleges and Universities here.

Family Child Care Training Program

The St. Lawrence County Family Child Care Training Program (“FCCTP”) was designed to create greater access to quality childcare throughout the county to allow individuals to enter (or re-enter) the workforce, encourage new business development, and support working families across St. Lawrence County. The program provides guidance with the NYS FCC Application process and assistance with regulations and licensing. Personalized business counseling and workshops offer important information on how to successfully operate your business, and enrollment in a 3-credit Early Childhood online course at SUNY Canton will provide that professional pathway to establishing your home-based business and ensuring its’ success. CLICK HERE to learn more.

YOUR Workforce Awaits in St. Lawrence County, New York!

Ready to Grow your Business?

Top Talent, Global Access, Green Energy, Unparalleled R&D Capabilities. Find your competitive edge in St. Lawrence County.

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