Workforce Development

We make it easy for you to find and develop the workforce you need in St. Lawrence County
SLC One-Stop Career Center
Labor Force50,000
Through your single point of contact at the St. Lawrence County One-Stop Career Center, you’ll find assistance with the recruitment of new employees, on-the-job training, incumbent worker training and customized training programs.
Behind the scenes, the The SLC One-Stop Career Center brings together a variety of programs, partners and resources to help you with your workforce needs.
Labor Force: Motivated, Reliable, Trainable
St. Lawrence County’s labor force consists of approximately 50,000 workers. The available labor pool provides you with the employees you need now, and as you grow into the future.
Employers throughout St. Lawrence County have found the local labor force to be exceptional; their employees are productive, eager to learn and have low absenteeism.
Employee Recruitment
The SLC One-Stop Career Center offers employers a variety of services to meet your recruiting needs. Job Listings allow you to define the skills, education, or experience required to apply for each position and post them as locally or globally as you want.
The SLC One-Stop Career Center also assists local employers recruit top talent by organizing job fairs throughout St. Lawrence County. Job fairs range from general to customized, refined by types of employers or job seekers.
The professionals at the The SLC One-Stop Career Center also work closely with a variety of job seekers, including dislocated workers, workers looking to switch careers, first time or entry level job seekers and individuals graduating from college or vocational training programs.
They can help match or screen applicants to meet your company’s specific needs, as well as identify candidates who may qualify for special job training programs that can save your business money.
Employee Training: On The Job Training
Through the SLC One-Stop Career Center, companies can apply for On-the-Job training reimbursement programs to help assist in the hiring, training, and development of new employees. Additionally, there is assistance available reducing the costs associated with introducing new technologies, new production or service procedures, additional work skills or improved workplace literacy for employees who are being trained for new, higher paying positions within a company.
Customized Training Programs
Improve the productivity and skill level of your present workforce with training design and funding assistance through the The SLC One-Stop Career Center.
Training provided in house or by outside contracted training agencies may be eligible for 50% funding, with matching funds from your company.
More information on The SLC One-Stop Career Center’s training programs can be found under the Employers section of the The SLC One-Stop Career Center website or by contacting the SLCIDA.
We hire incredible, talented people...These are people that want to stay in the north country...They’re here because they’re happy to be here and we make it a happy place for them to work.
Michael Frazer, Owner, Frazer Computing
Entrepreneurial Leadership
The St. Lawrence County Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (STL-CEL) Core Program was established in 2019 to enhance the talents and operating abilities of practicing entrepreneurs.
This peer-based, mentor-driven program empowers its participants to overcome business challenges, create new opportunities and develop meaningful connections within the business community. Meeting once a week during the 8-month program, Core participants explore new methods for business growth in a confidential, noncompetitive environment with assistance from fellow classmates, exceptional facilitators and external business experts.
STL-CEL is a perfect example of the collaborative culture you’ll find for business in St. Lawrence County. In response to the needs of local business leaders for professional development programs and peer networking, the program was developed by members of the county’s Small Business Working Group, representing SLCIDA, NYPA, STLC Chamber, Atlantic Testing Laboratories, SUNY Canton, Clarkson University, SUNY Potsdam, St. Lawrence University, Point Positive, Community Bank NA, and St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Office of Economic Development.
St. Lawrence County Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership: a program partnership with the University at Buffalo School of Management Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and SUNY Canton.
Visit to learn more about this proven program.
Education & Training
With 5 higher education institutions in our county, you’ll have access to highly skilled graduates to fill the technology positions for which recruitment and retention is becoming so competitive.
In addition to liberal arts and vocational courses, local colleges offer computer science, technology and engineering degree programs. Each College and University works with local employers to develop customized programs that will provide the skills needed for certification, promotion, and technical literacy.

Your Workforce Awaits
With a variety of well-coordinated, diverse education and training programs, St. Lawrence County is unmatched in providing the skilled, capable and adaptable workforce businesses need now and for future growth.

Ready to Grow your Business?
Top Talent, Global Access, Green Energy, Unparalleled R&D Capabilities. Find your competitive edge in St. Lawrence County.