
Enrolled College Students12,000+

Faculty and Staff3,000+
Innovation drives modern, globalized knowledge-based economies and it accumulates primarily at universities.

5 nationally recognized colleges & universities
St. Lawrence County is home to five nationally recognized colleges/universities that offer a wide variety of collaboration opportunities with local business partners.
Recruit Top-Notch Talent From St. Lawrence University and SUNY Potsdam
St. Lawrence University and State University of New York at Potsdam provides local employers with an excellent source of highly skilled graduates to fill the technology positions for which recruitment and retention is becoming so competitive. These colleges offer, in addition to liberal arts and vocational courses, computer science, technology and engineering degree programs.

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Tap Into Great Minds From A Nationally Ranked Research University
Clarkson University is a nationally ranked research university with 221 full-time teacher-scholars engaged in world-class research, Clarkson has developed an international reputation in the field of Advanced Materials Science, Biotechnology, Environment & Energy, Entrepreneurship and Global Supply Chain Management.

Propel Your Growth At The Shipley Center For Innovation
The Shipley Center for Innovation fosters innovation particularly in engineering and science and works with investors and various funding agencies to develop start-up companies to commercialize breakthrough technologies developed in Clarkson laboratories and bring them to market globally.
Drawing on the expertise of faculty researchers internationally recognized in their fields, the Center’s focus is on technology transfer related to advanced materials, bio- and nanotechnologies, the environment, and sustainable energy.

Benefit From Local Manufacturing Breakthroughs
The Center for Advanced Materials Processing at Clarkson (CAMP) is dedicated to developing Clarkson’s research and educational programs in high-technology materials processing and is focused on industrial concerns and meeting industrial needs. CAMP’s mandate is to develop innovations in advanced materials processing and to transfer this technology to business and industry.

We’ve had really good luck hiring local talent. A lot of our work is construction, outdoors-based, and there’s a workforce here in St. Lawrence County that can respond to that. But also there’s a very technical nature to our work and so - having universities close - we’ve been able to hire engineers & craftspeople from the universities to come and work for the company.
Kevin Lynch, SLIC Network Solutions
Connect With Technology Scholars
The State University of New York at Canton’s Canino School of Engineering Technology offers cutting edge technology instruction and flexible, customized industry training solutions for local industries.

Navigate the Adirondacks With Experts from The Ranger School
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s The Ranger School curriculum educates students in three areas of study: forest technology, land surveying technology, and environmental and natural resources conservation. Their laser focused expertise is particularly important to new manufacturing and energy companies looking to tap into the natural resources of the county.

Tailor Training To Your Needs
Our local and state job training programs are organized into an easy to use interactive ‘One Stop’ system. To best meet the labor needs of local employers, the St. Lawrence County One-Stop Career Center offers the combined programs and services of a number of workforce development agencies. Through this easy-to-use Center, you will find assistance with the recruitment of new employees, on-the-job training, and customized training programs.

With an educational system that is diverse, well balanced and active, St. Lawrence County is unmatched in providing a skilled, capable and adaptable workforce at every level.
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Ready to Grow your Business?
Top Talent, Global Access, Green Energy, Unparalleled R&D Capabilities. Find your competitive edge in St. Lawrence County.