Local Development Corporation - St. Lawrence County IDA Skip to main content

Learn more about the St. Lawrence County IDA Local Development Corporation


The St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency Local Development Corporation was established in 1986 by the St. Lawrence County IDA to administer a revolving loan fund and to stimulate the growth of private sector employment in St. Lawrence County, New York.

The loan fund can assist businesses by making low-interest, subordinated loans for real estate acquisition, building construction and rehabilitation, or machinery and equipment acquisition and rehabilitation.


The mission of the St. Lawrence County IDA Local Development Corporation is to stimulate the growth of private sector employment in St. Lawrence County by providing financial assistance to new and expanding industries, and to certain retail/market-driven facilities.

The purpose of the Corporation shall be to relieve and reduce unemployment; promote and provide for additional and maximum employment; better and maintain job opportunities; instruct or train individuals to improve or develop their capabilities for jobs; carry on scientific research for the purpose of aiding the community of St. Lawrence County by attracting industry to the community and by encouraging the development of, or retention of, an industry in the community; lessen the burdens of government and act in the public interest.

Enabling Legislation:
Certificate of Incorporation

Committee Information

The Audit and Finance Committee will meet on Friday, February 28,2025 at 2:30 PM at the IDA offices, 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.  Click Here for meeting packet.

The Governance Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:30 A.M. at the IDA offices, 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.  Click Here for meeting packet.

Committee Assignments (effective January 25, 2018) for St. Lawrence County IDA Local Development Corporation:
Governance: Blevins, LaBaff, Hall
Audit/Finance: Hall, McMahon, Staples


2025-0325   Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2025-0228   Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda and/or Packet
2024-1218    Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0326   Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
2024-0326   Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0326   Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2024-0326     Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0227_Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2024-0227_Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-1220_Governance Committee Minutes
2023-1220_Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-0330_Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2023-0330_Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-0330_Governance Committee Minutes
2023-0330_Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-0215_Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2023-0215_Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-1028_Governance Committee Minutes
2022-1028_Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-0329_Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2022-0329_Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-0322 Governance Committee Minutes
2022-0322_Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-0222_Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2022-0222_Audit and Finance Meeting Packet
2021-1210_Governance Committee Minutes
2021-1210_Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2021-0326 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2021-0326 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet
2021-0316 Governance Committee Minutes
2021-0316 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2021-0128  Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2021-0128 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet

Audit-Finance Charter
Governance Charter

Meeting Information

The St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency Local Development Corporation is scheduled to meet on the third Friday of every month at the Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial Building, located at 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.

Please check the ANNOUNCEMENTS page for meeting information packets.

Click here for the 2025 Meeting Schedule

Board Members

Meetings, Bylaws, & Policies

LDC-22-02-01: Authorizing a Loan of up to $250,000 to Riverside Iron, LLC LDC-22-03-02: Annual Review of Code of Ethics Policy LDC-22-03-03: Annual Review of the Compensation, Reimbursement and Attendance Policy LDC-22-03-04: Annual Review of the Whistleblower Policy LDC-22-03-05: Annual Review of the Defense and Indemnification Policy LDC-22-03-06: 2022 Review of Disposition Policy and 2021 Review of Property LDC-22-03-07: Accepting FY2021 Audit LDC-22-03-08: Authorizing a Loan in the Amount up to $6,500 to Eshelman's Home and Lawn Services LDC-22-03-09: Authorizing a Loan of up to $195,000 to Potsdam Specialty Papers, Inc. LDC-22-05-10: Authorizing Continuation of Remote Public Meetings LDC-22-05-11: Authorizing Application for Grant Funds through the Northern Border Regional Commission LDC-22-07-12: Accepting Provisions of a Grant From The NYSDOT for the Benefit of the Dunn Paper -Natural Dam Inc.’s Industrial Track Reactivation Project LDC-22-08-13: Authorizing RVRDA and MED Agreement LDC-22-08-14: Authorizing CDEIP Grant Awards LDC-22-09-15: Accepting FY2023 Tentative Budget LDC-22-09-16: Authorizing a Loan of up to $20,000 to M&M Heating & AC of Gouverneur, LLC LDC-22-09-17: Authorizing a Loan of up to $260,000 to Canexsys Networks, Inc. LDC-22-09-18: Authorizing a Loan of up to $450,000 to the 941 ACCO Way Acquisition LDC-22-10-19: Annual Review of Conflicts of Interest Policy LDC-22-10-20: Annual Review of Procurement Policy LDC-22-10-21: Annual Review of Investment Policy LDC-22-10-22: Annual Review of Sexual Harassment Policy LDC-22-10-23: Adopting FY2023 Final Budget LDC-22-10-24: Authorizing an Allocation of CDEIP Funds of up to $25,100 to the Village of Massena for the Acquisition of the Former Massena School of Business LDC-22-11-25: Authorizing a Loan of up to $50,000 to GR Brozzo, LLC. LDC-22-11-26: Authorizing a Loan of up to $50,000 to McLincoln Enterprises, LLC. LDC-22-12-27: Authorizing a Loan in an Amount up to $50,000 to St. Lawrence Suds, LLC. LDC-22-12-28: Updating the Revolving Loan Fund Operational Prospectus LDC-22-12-29: Modifying a Loan of up to $50,000 to McLincoln Enterprises, LLC. DBA/Tri-Town Kids

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