Property Development Corporation - St. Lawrence County IDA Skip to main content

The SLC Property Development Corporation has a variety of exciting projects constructing, acquiring, rehabilitating and improving sites, buildings, and other related facilities in the County.


The St. Lawrence County Property Development Corporation was established on July 19, 2018.  

The Corporation is a corporation as defined in subparagraph (a)(5) of Section 102 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York and, as provided in Section 1411 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, is a charitable corporation as defined in Section 201 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.

Certificate of Incorporation


Our Mission

The mission of the St. Lawrence County Property Development Corporation (“SLCPDC”) is to foster the creation, retention and expansion of jobs and economic opportunities in St. Lawrence County, New York by constructing, acquiring, rehabilitating and improving sites, buildings, and other related facilities in St. Lawrence County.

Board Members

Mark C. Hall

Board Member
Town of Fine, New York

Mark C. Hall was first appointed a member of the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency (SLC-IDA) Board by the St. Lawrence County Legislature in December 2009.

Mr. Hall is a long-serving public servant who has combined his private business management experience and community involvement with his sincere and genuine enthusiasm for governance to improve the quality of life for North Country and NYS Adirondack Park residents, businesses, and visitors.  His continuous public service began in 2002 when he was first elected to the Town of Fine Town Board.  He served as the Fine Town Supervisor from 2007 to 2015, when he retired to pursue other interests.  Mr. Hall also currently serves as an Adirondack Park Agency (APA) Commissioner since first being appointed by the Governor in June 2020 and on the Development Authority of the North Country (DANC) Board since first being appointed in February 2022.  He has previously served on the Adirondack Association of Towns & Villages (AATV) Board, the Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board (AP-LGRB), and the Clifton-Fine Hospital (CFH) Board.

In his many roles, Mr. Hall has initiated collaborative relationships while being involved in major infrastructure projects that include: spearheading a $2.3 million project removing hazardous waste and industrial blight at the Adirondack Park’s most contaminated site, the former (ceased major operations in 1977) J&L Iron Ore Processing / Benson Mines properties in the Town of Clifton; a three County $11.08 million railroad rehabilitation project improving over 46-miles of short-line rail infrastructure, connecting multiple Adirondack Park “Industrial Classified” properties with the national rail network; and managing an award-winning (American Water Works Association “AWWA 2019 Project of the Year”) $12,308,000 Star Lake Water System Infrastructure Improvement Project (2012-2020) in the St. Lawrence County Towns of Clifton and Fine.  In addition, he has been heavily involved locally with a 2015-2016 Town Government Modernization, Efficiency, and Consolidation study, telecommunication projects, broadband projects, DOS Waterfront Revitalization projects, DEC Smart Growth grants, Restore NY grants, Northern Border grants, and was instrumental with NYS Officials in the effort to convert the Clifton-Fine Hospital from a Public Authority to a Non-Profit organization, enabling the hospital to affiliate with Samaritan Medical Center and remain open today as a Rural Emergency Hospital.

Mr. Hall is currently a NYS DOH Certified “IIA” -Surface Water Filtration Plant Operator, “C”- Groundwater Plant Operator, and “D”-Distribution System Operator employed as the Water Superintendent for the Star Lake Water District in St. Lawrence County since 2007.  Additionally, Mr. Hall is the Men’s & Women’s Assistant Golf Coach at SUNY Canton since 2020 and previously coached High School basketball at Clifton-Fine Central School from 1993-1998.  He previously owned Adirondack Tank Services (1993-2008), an environmental contracting business focused on commercial petroleum storage tanks and oil spill remediation.  Prior to returning to his native Star Lake and starting his own business, Mr. Hall was a manager at Fenley & Nicol Environmental, a Long Island NY-based environmental contracting firm.

His current term expires in December 2027.

Committee Information

The Audit and Finance Committee will meet on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 2:30 PM at the Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial Building, 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.  CLICK HERE for meeting packet.

The Governance Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:30 AM at the Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial Building, 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.  CLICK HERE for meeting packet.

Committee Assignments (effective July 19, 2018) for St. Lawrence County Property Development Corporation:
Governance: Blevins, LaBaff, Hall
Audit/Finance: McMahon, Hall, Staples


2025-0325 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2025-0228 Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet and/or Agenda
2024-1218  Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0326 Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
2024-0326 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0326 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2024-0326 Audit and Finance Committee Meeting Packet
2024-0227 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2024-0227 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet
2023-1220 Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
2023-1220 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-0330 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2023-0330 Audit and Finance Committee Packet
2023-0330 Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
2023-0330 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2023-0215 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2023-0215 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet
2022-1028 Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
2022-1028 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-0329 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2022-0329 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet
2022-0322 Governance Committee Minutes
2022-0322 Governance Committee Meeting Packet
2022-0222 Audit and Finance Committee Minutes
2022-0222 Audit and Finance Meeting Packet

Audit-Finance Charter
Governance Charter

Meeting Information

The St. Lawrence County Property Development Corporation

is scheduled to meet on the third Friday of every month at the Ernest J. LaBaff Industrial Building, located at 19 Commerce Lane, Canton.

Please check the ANNOUNCEMENTS page for meeting information packets.

Click here for the 2025 Meeting Schedule

Meetings, Bylaws, Policies & Reports


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Title | Company

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Ready to Grow your Business?

Top Talent, Global Access, Green Energy, Unparalleled R&D Capabilities. Find your competitive edge in St. Lawrence County.

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